By Valerie Warwick
The Anthology of Performance Poetry provides dozens of new, original poems for both the experienced drama student and the young untrained performer. It is ideal for Eisteddfods, syllabus examinations, end of year concerts and special presentation events for boys and girls of all ages and abilities.
- The special indigenous section ties in with requirements from the Australian Curriculum Assessment, and Reporting Authority (ACARA).
The special indigenous section ties in with requirements from the Australian Curriculum Assessment, and Reporting Authority (ACARA).

“The Australian Curriculum: English helps students to engage imaginatively and critically with literature to expand the scope of their experience. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have contributed to Australian society and to its contemporary literature and its literary heritage through their distinctive ways of representing and communicating knowledge, traditions and experience. The Australian Curriculum: English values, respects and explores this contribution.
“The range for literary text for Foundation to Year 10 comprises Australian literature, including the oral narrative traditions of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, as well as the contemporary literature of these two cultural groups.”
English teachers will find this book an invaluable classroom resource that covers several different genres. The book is ideal for poetry recitals and oral presentations. See the Table of Contents below.
Poems for Two Voices
- Calling Over The Garden Wall
- Parents And Manners
- The Arrival Of Alien Robots
- Cold Tea
- Abandon Camp
- Blackie And The Haunted House
- The Cousins Blair And Wayne
- The Phantom vs The Ghost Buster
- Dad’s Messy Shed
- The Sleepover
- Pretend Princess
- Mum’s Birthday Present
- When Rainbows Disappear
- Off To The Beach
- The Beauty Of The Sea
Humourous Verse
- The Hairy Spider
- The Word Just Slipped Out
- My Brother’s New Girlfriend
- Mr Montaray
- Butterflies In My Tummy
- Eisteddfods
- Lost In A Supermarket
- Boys Can Handle Cockroaches
- Do You Believe In Fairies?
- My Date With John Fisher
- Mum, Guess What!
- Beetle Soup
- I Loathe Girls
- Spring In England
- My Side Of The Window
- In Comparison
- The Boy In The Wheelchair
- The Puppy Dog
- The College Invasion
- Easy Peasy Basic Grammar
- My Onomatopoeia Day
Australian Verse
- The Day That Stops The Nation
- The Traveller Returns Down Under
- The Kangaroo Doctor
- The Brisbane Ekka
- Seen Through Different Eyes
- If Pigs Could Fly
- A True Blue Aussie Barbie
New Zealand Verse
- Kaikoura, Kaikoura, The Call From The Sea
- Rotorua … … The Taste Of Sulphur
- Returning Home
- Free Verse
- A Freaky Relative
- The Wise Old Owl
Poetry inspired by various tales from Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Spirit Time
- The Sacred World
- Dreamtime Creation
- Australian Aboriginal Language Map
- When Kangaroos Had No Tails
- The Echidna And The Turtle
- The Giant Woman From The Desert
- Why The Lizard No Longer Trusts The Goanna
- The Brolga’s Grinding Stone
- Crafting The Didgeridoo
- The Call To Join Corroboree
- The Rythmic Sound Of Clap Sticks
- The Rainbow Serpent
- Australian Aboriginal Flag
- Torres Strait Flag
First Poems for Mothers and Babies
- Sleepy Head
- Eyelids Peacefully Closed
- It’s Play Time
Free Verse
- A Freaky Relative
- The Wise Old Owl
Poems for Young Performers
- My Cat
- A Frothy Milkshake
- A Butterfly
- Sailing Boat
- Penelope’s Fruit
- Mum Looks Different
- A Smile In My Pocket
- Dirty Boots
- How Many Fingers On Your Hand?
- The Early Morning Chorus At The Farm
- Toast For Tea
- Daisy Chain
- Nicki Noo
- My Face
- The Possum
- Mr Grumpy
- There’s Cheese In The Garden
- My Friend Ned
- Be Safe Little Fish
- Raking The Leaves With Dad
- The Secret Rocket
- Surrey Town
- Honey For Tea
- Jemma
- Little Tim Mcfable
- The Magic Path
- Greedy Nelly
- I Know I Am Special
- It Is Not A Pimple