Some comments by readers:
“Valerie’s book is so welcome and so sorely needed. The kind of activities she outlines should be part of every school day. I urge teachers to read this book; the exercises will have benefits right across the spectrum of study. Their inclusion will reward you with more attentive and co-operative children, who will be less inclined to initiate conflict and more likely to empathize with each other. That is what the Arts do – they are not a lifestyle – they are life.” Noni Hazlehurst, Ph.D., A.M. International Screen and Stage Actress and Patron to numerous child welfare organisations
“The activities in Prep–A Class Act leap off the page as being tried and true. Very few of the activities need anything more than space and children. Prep and Kindy teachers will love Prep-A Class Act but they should be sure to share it with the Year One and Two teachers. This is NOT, thank goodness, a book about polishing performance, it is about playing, acting, having fun … all the while developing awesome oral language skills, confidence and self-esteem and ticking boxes for Early Years Learning Statements which are helpfully cross-referenced in each chapter for teacher planning. Thank you Valerie!”Mathilda Element, Media Review, ECTA Journal ‘Educating Young Children’
“Author Valerie Warwick has extensive experience working with the stage and all aspects of production, and has helped to develop drama programs for students with Downs Syndrome and with special needs. Prep–A Class Act will help guide you through the steps of allowing children to explore their own creativity and potential for dramatic play, and seeing how it builds life skills that will help children grow up to be confident and interesting adults.”Early Childhood Australia
“The arts are alive and well for our learners with advocates such as yourself.”Maureen Truasheim, Education Officer Curriculum. Brisbane Catholic Education
“There is no doubt that that involvement in the Arts arouses passions and touches emotions in ways that few other activities are able. This is why students love being involved in the Arts and why teachers like us keep doing what we do. May this publication inspire you and those about you.”Peter Ingram, Brisbane Grammar School, Queensland
“It is my firm believe, supported by years of teaching, that Speech and Drama is a very effective tool in acquiring life skills. Prep-A-Class Act is a wonderful step-by-step program of activities that will reap great benefits for the early learners.”Pamela Greatorix, Speech and Drama Teacher, Adjudicator, Past President of the Queensland Speech and Drama Teachers Association (Now CSPT)
PREP – A CLASS ACT allows teachers to plan their lessons by introducing fun activities that assist in building confidence and self-esteem whilst tying-in with the curriculum.
Activities cover Vocal and Physical Warm-Ups, Mask and Mime, Improvisation, Articulation, Role Play, Body Language, Facial Expression, Gesture, Attitude, Creative Movement, Stance, Vocal Expression, Personal Presentation and Group Communication. All set within exciting and enjoyable play activities. There is also a Chapter on Concerts and Performances for those wishing to put on parent presentations.
PREP – A CLASS ACT also includes an Anthology of 30 new, original poems and rhymes, with beautiful, imaginative illustrations the children will love. Plus a photocopiable mask template with accessories.
A magical book for both teachers and early learners. Currently on the Playtime Production SPECIALLY REDUCED PRICE FOR A SHORT TIME ONLY