“A beautifully produced book. The authors promise “positive poems” and they deliver. The texts are grouped into Values and Attitudes (ten poems), Environmental (two poems), Choral Verse (four poems), Humorous (three poems) and Joys of Live (five poems). The authors intend the poems to be used as a part of a broader primary school curriculum and have included one or two questions at the end of each poem. These might be incorporated better or scaffoled to evoke more structured discussion.
“I like the environmental verse particularly and the choral pieces will find a home in the repertoire of many school groups. The three humorous poems will find a place in the catalogue of pieces for eisteddfod performances among upper primary and lower secondary students (10 -14 years). This text is another welcome addition to those contesting the marketplace.”
A quote from ‘The Quarterly Voice’ Then the Speech and Drama Teachers’ Association, Queensland Inc,
Now CSPT, Communications, Speech & Performance Teachers Inc
The poems in this book are placed in five categories, Values and Attitude, Environmental, Choral Verse, Humorous and Joys of life. The first section may be of interest to teachers of religious instruction. The other groupings may provide opportunities for teachers to relate the content of a poem to areas of classwork.
At the end of each poem, two questions have been posed to prompt open discussion from the students.
Values and Attitude
- Night Sky
- Attitude
- Bare Feet
- My Turn
- The Boy in the Wheel Chair
- Let’s give Thanks
- Trust in God
- But for the grace of God go I
- Friendship
- Nature’s Lesson
- The Wattle Tree
- The Beauty of the Sea
Choral Verse
- I’ll be a Tortoise
- Smiles
- The Circle of Life
- A Day on the Downs (Prose)
- The Hairy Spider
- Parents and Manners
- Tired Old Nana
Joys of Life
- Being Young
- The Puppy Dog
- Off to the Beach
- Rain Drops
- Mother’s Day
The Chronical
“Recitation brings goosebumps to the audience” |